As a College we have high expectations for every student and aim for them to achieve their personal best. Part of our purpose is to prepare each individual for their future pathway. Consequently the College offers a broad-based curriculum that caters for a range of skills and interests and prepares students for their transition into further study and work. Students in Years 11 and 12 can complete the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and approximately 80 per cent of Year 11 and 12 students select a full VCE program, some in combination with a VET course.
The VCE is designed for students who are likely to apply for tertiary placement and need an ATAR. Students can complete a range of different subject combinations along with a VET option and there is a stronger academic focus in VCE, rather than the ‘hands on’ focus of VCAL. It is highly recommended that students research the prerequisites for various tertiary courses of interest, and design their course selection around these. Students need to be in class in order to learn the necessary skills and knowledge to satisfy the outcomes of each unit. As learning is sequential, students need to ensure attendance of at least 90% is maintained. Organisation, motivation and a consistent approach to study are the key ingredients for a successful VCE experience.
The minimum requirements for satisfactory completion are set by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). A student must complete:
a total of 16 units
at least 3 units of an English subject
at least 3 sequences of Units 3 & 4 other than English
In Year 11, HDSC students study 12 Units: 6 in Semester 1 and 6 in Semester 2.
In Year 12, HDSC students study 10 Units: 5 in Semester 1 and 5 in Semester 2.