Years 7- 8: Closing the Gap
Students in Years 7 and 8 often find that they are developing rapidly – socially, mentally and physically. For this reason, we challenge and give the opportunity to all students to participate in the Literacy and Numeracy programs which supports all students in skill development and provides extension opportunities for advanced learners.
Year 7 and 8 classes allow them to where they learn to work cooperatively with their new friends and classmates following rich and challenging curriculum. Their teachers plan and teach the curriculum based upon a thorough knowledge of each student’s strengths and areas for improvement. The College recognises that a comprehensive range of subjects is essential in order to cater for a variety of students’ abilities, interests and talents. A broad range of co-curricular activities available to all students. There are also specific programs aimed at our Junior School students which focus on resilience, empathy, self-awareness, assertiveness and community development.
Years 9-10: Broadening Experiences
Years 7 – 9 are the Middle Years of a child’s education – they are years that provide students with various opportunities to develop both breadth and depth in their learning and ensure that they are ready to follow their learning pathway into the Senior Years. Middle Years students are young adolescents who are going through a period of rapid emotional, physical and intellectual development; therefore the curriculum offered is designed to engage the students in their learning by making authentic connections between classroom learning and real life and how to participate in and influence local and global communities. They study subjects that prepare them for being active citizens of the future by learning about who they are and the voice they have now. They have opportunities to participate in a range of events and to develop a learning program that matches their interests and potential future directions.
Years 11-12: Narrowing the Focus and Preparing for Life
The transition to Senior School marks a period of new academic and social challenges. Each student is supported by a learning culture that understands the value of real-world skills as well as the importance of developing intellectual, physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual strengths.
The solid foundation studies students experienced in the Junior and Middle schools prepare them well for the final years of school. Pathway planning in the Middle school has enabled students to identify their strengths and talents and they choose one of the senior certificate courses that will prepare them for work or further study at university or TAFE aligned to their chosen future career path.
The goal of senior students at Heywood and District College is to attain either the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL).
Students at the Year 10 level are taken through an extensive individual counselling process to guide them through their VCE/VCAL options and future pathways.